Alex Jones fired Millie Weaver after Shadow-Gate documentary. Patrick Bergy Affidavit reveals....
Though chess is an over-worked political analogy utilized to explain some of the more bizarre Washington DC moves in the last 2 years - I may have found a proper use for it.
Patrick Bergy.
I'm no 5D chess player nor even a decent 2D one but if this election is a chessboard then Patrick Bergy is one of it’s sturdy pawns. The whistleblower, along with Tore Says, at the heart of the Shadow-gate documentary is not just any pawn though; he's a pawn in the curious position of being one move away from the end of the chess-board.
In the last couple of hours Patrick Bergy hand delivered his sworn affidavit to the Department of Justice. It's the culmination of about 3-5 years work of attempting to be an official whistleblower. It contains some quite explosive claims along with the promise of more. “ The more “ piece of the puzzle is a reluctance on his part to reveal information in his affidavit to people that do not have Top Secret or above security clearance.
Of course, those not familiar with what the hell Patrick is trying to blow the whistle on will need to watch installment one and two of the documentary series "Shadow-Gate". It will be an exercise in above average civilian intelligence gathering if you can still find Shadow-Gate 1 easily on the Internet social media channels. Suffice to say, Deep State Psy-ops meets the commercial market in a bid to control the average voting sucker in the US and around the world.
What makes Patrick Bergy and Millie Weaver ( Journalist, publisher and presenter of Shadow-Gate) stand out is that Millie Weaver got arrested by law enforcement after the first installment of Shadow-Gate was released. She then had a gag order slapped on her. Much later the case was turfed out of a federal court as the plaintiffs ( That would be you and me apparently) had no evidence.
Curious I thought. Most curious indeed.
I spent last night reading Patrick Bergy's affidavit - a treasure trove of golden nuggets. For instance, Alex Jones, owner of the Info wars platform, and 8 year employer of Millie Weaver, fired Millie Weaver soon after she uploaded Shadow-Gate to Info Wars. To my mind, this nugget of intelligence damages Alex Jones credibility more than getting banned off every tech platform in the known universe has done. Especially when your in the conspiracy-proving business as Jones claims to be.
Now, Patrick Bergy's complaints pre-date the Shadow-Gate documentary by a number of years and indeed he spent much of the 2015-2017 period attempting to blow the whistle on links he saw between social media psy-ops influence campaigns and the work he was did employed as a DOD contractor for the General Jim Jones run company Dynology.
Bergy claims that Shadow Net is the technology he helped pioneer as part of his work with Dynology and I guess ultimately for the client who in this instance was the Department of Defence. One of Bergy's prime complaints is that this tax-payer funded core technology, ultimately was brought into the commercial arena and sold to the highest bidder to be used against the very people that funded it. The implication is pretty clear that this tech was used in the 2016 Presidential election and more prominently in the recent 2020 US election with recent iterations of that same technology core.
Patrick Bergy presents a number of exhibits in the form of e-mails and text messages with his signed and sworn affidavit that are in many ways more interesting and validating than the detail of his official complaint. Promises made to him in 2016/2017 and then promises broken by a slew of politicians and media personalities that include: Republican House Rep. Devon Nunes, Fox host Judge Jeannine, and Fox contributor & journalist Sara Carter.
He points out the very real connection of current Fox presenter Gillian Turner and her previous role as a vice president of the Jones International Group. Another General Jones family entity, that it just so happens, is housed in the same building as the Jones controlled Dynology corporation.
Curiouser and curiouser.
A lot of people are frightened about what Patrick Bergy has to say. The hand delivered Affidavit to the DOJ means there is a record of his complaints about election interference. It's most probably bad news for Republicans and Democrats alike.
On the rare occasion a pawn reaches the end of a chessboard it gets magically transformed into the all powerful Queen piece. However at one move away - the pawn is also at it's most vulnerable moment - all opponent eyes are on it - hellbent on it's destruction.
Please find Patrick Bergy Affidavit attached. It's well worth your time.
Written by: Gerry O’Neill
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